Serene Joy, joy without a cause…

Serene Joy is a joy that is not the result of anything. It is not the joy of receiving a gift, after an achievement or a success, or of meeting someone dear on the street…

Serene Joy is experienced without a specific reason, without a cause. It may be experienced even despite the circumstances that surround us and that we often do not like.

This Joy is not generated outside, but has its Source within, inside us. Like a tiny point within that expands throughout the body and draws a smile on our face. Like a silent joy in our heart.

Serene Joy is the Joy of Being and emanates from the sensation of Beingness. This, by definition, is prior to any mental activity.

Serene Joy cannot be thought, it is a joy without mind, calm and wonderful. 🌼🌺🌷🌸🌼

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